Thursday, August 03, 2006

Adventures in Baby Pictures

This, my friends, is a summary of my childhood. The baby is my sister Cori. Bawling. And my mom is glowing. And I am the large head in the foreground. Shut up. I think the bangs look cute and cut down on the largeness of my noggin'.

My grandmother says that I was so easily amused and it was a blessing because my sister was such an attention whore. Oh yes. Babies can be whores. She cried a lot. As she grew up, she still loved the attention and is a talker now as proof. She will talk for hours. TJ jokes that she would keep talking even if you left the room. As Cori and I have gotten closer, this is really an endearing trait and not an annoying one. I swear.

Here is where I look inward on all of this. I have been told in the last couple months that I LOVE attention. That I need attention. Is it possible that I gave up all of the attention in childhood for my sister and now it is time to make up for it?

I became a teacher and have a captive audience. Literally Captive! They are, by law, required to be in my room for 45 minutes a day, where I can tap dance and teach and they must LOOK AT ME! I love my job. The time I get with these teenagers is really quite enjoyable and I do not use it to teach my own personal agenda. Contrary to a certain frustrating member of the School Board's belief that we English teachers have a MOTIVE, I just want kids to love to read and learn about things that they may have never seen in Powell f-ing Ohio.

Aside from the goals to keep them in line and ready for the next year's classes and college,
I want my students to:
1. leave knowing they saw something new in themselves and the world
2. leave wanting to learn more about at least ONE topic
3. leave looking fondly back and not thinking I am psycho, although crazy is not that necessarily bad.
hmmm, I'll add more as I think of them.

Enough Pedagogical some FOOD!!

I ate leftover potstickers today because I didn't want TJ to get sick if he ate them. Leftovers sometimes harm his delicate system! I was so selfless and ate those pesky potstickers. This is what I tell myself so I do not feel guilty for eating them at 11am. At least my lunch was a nice whole wheat tortilla with turkey, tomato, onion, red pepper, and low fat cheddar cheese!

But I am going to meet my friend Shanna at Applebees for happy hour. Half Price Appetizers! Sidenote: Many bloggers throw in "bitches" after statements that are fun or jealousy invoking. Was that an appropriate place?? Let's try it. Half Price Appetizers, Bitches!! Hmm...not sure.

There is a storm a comin'. I need to post before it all goes terribly wrong.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I wish I had a teacher like you. Maybe I would have done a little better!